Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Worshipping God Through Changing Dirty Diapers!

Worshipping God Through Changing Dirty Diapers

Published Article from: www.tracyhurst.com

Dirty Diaper

“For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.” Psalm 100:5 Amplified Bible

Everyone warned Mike and me that everything was going to change with the birth of our daughter. We did not fully understand these words until she was born on May 22, 2006. Since becoming radically saved at the age of 16, I have experienced life in the supernatural. I have witnessed God transform lives (including mine) and observed people being healed through miracles, signs and wonders. I have been blessed and have tasted the goodness of the Lord since my salvation. God has always given me supernatural favor with everything in my life - from my counseling practice, to my speaking engagements, and freelance writing - blessings beyond belief have chased me. My pregnancy was even supernatural. One afternoon I was sitting on a park bench praying when I heard the Holy Spirit say, “It’s time.” I knew within my spirit exactly what that meant. Mike and I immediately stopped my birth control and we were pregnant within 8 weeks!

I am however on a new venture with God - worshipping Him through the natural. Yes, through changing diapers, cleaning spit-up and early morning feedings. I have learned to read the Word while working out, praying while feeding, and reading a current book while rocking Alyssa to sleep. Alyssa is truly shaping our souls.

Maybe God is not using a newborn to shape your soul, but I’m sure He is using something or someone. It could be your job, spouse, friend, relative or simply His Word, but God is continually working in our lives all the time. He is a God we can trust, lean on and be confident in no matter what you may be going through. Learning to worship Him at all times is the key to enjoying our life each and every day.

As everyone stated, Mike and I have changed since the arrival of Alyssa Lyn, but for the better. We now love more and judge less. We thank God for the little things and let the petty things go. We are being transformed. Life with Alyssa is God’s plan to perfect us as His servants.

“Lord, thank you for using people and situations in my life to draw me closer to you. It may not feel good at the time, but I trust You to use it all for my good in the end. I bless those who have cursed me and I ask that Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. Thank you for never giving up on me. I choose to worship You as I embrace what you place before me this day.” Amen.
